Daycare + Training & acclimation days.
Dogs must have already completed their evaluation to be considered.
We’ve realized over the years options are limited when it comes time to safely socializing puppies and dogs. It seems the only options nowadays are oversaturated dog daycares or dog parks; both of which may lack adequate supervision and proper behavioral assessments.
Our day service program is a unique opportunity for your dog to be physically AND mentally stimulated through training and enrichment! We are different in that we promote handler focus and training over encouraging dropping your dog off to run around and be in a constant state of over arousal with other dogs all day. While dog to dog socialization may be a part of our day service program it is not necessarily the main focus.
With a training background we are a major advocate for creating a mutually respectable relationship with your canine companion. We understand behavioral problems may stem from lack of exercise which is why we pair both physical activity with exercising your dog’s mind.
For a better idea on what we are currently offering, please see images below (newest dates are listed first).
Click images to enlarge.
In addition to our day service program we also offer “acclimation days” for owners who are wanting their dog to spend more time in our environment to prep for their overnight stay. This may include socializing with other dogs, interacting with us, or getting used to the new smells in our environment.
Each week we post a daycare memo on our private group Facebook page as well as text memos out to those who would like to receive them regarding daycare days.
"Official" daycare days vs. daycare upon request: Official daycare days are days organized each week dedicated to dogs spending a half or full day at the Dog Ranch. Days are announced each week and may alter (RSVP required). However, if you are in a bind and need daycare for your puppy or dog on a day that has not been announced as "official," you may request for your dog to be cared for by reaching out to the Dog Ranch. Acceptance is based upon availability and scheduling.

*Dogs who have not attended the dog ranch in six months or more may be required to complete another assessment. Unused daycare sessions result in a Dog Ranch credit for overnights or future daycare days. No refunds will be issued for unused days.