Crazy to Calm

It's been an enjoyable journey in our second round of four-week Canine Good Citizen classes with Mary Baker of Lucky Dog Company located in Naples, FL. However, I know it is a long journey ahead until we reach our final goal and achieve our final therapy certification (we have years to go). However, the thought of helping others is extremely rewarding and I cannot wait to utilize Setter's full potential and love for people to help those who need it most. While he still has quite a bit of maturing to do, we are certainly enjoying the therapy journey. 

Settler working on the walking pattern at home which will present itself on the CGC test. The dog must walk on a loose leash and keep focused and engaged with the handler. 

Settler working on the walking pattern at home which will present itself on the CGC test. The dog must walk on a loose leash and keep focused and engaged with the handler. 

Of course dog training is never a bad thing (unless of course you are using harsh correctional methods), but I really encourage anyone who thinks they may be interested in therapy work (or not) to take a Canine Good Citizen class to see what it is all about. I was always most interested in the competitiveness of dog agility, opposed to calm behaviors of therapy - but I am realizing this is some of the training my dog needs most. 

Settler after an agility lesson at Sun Coast Agility with Chris Tucci in Naples, FL. 

On the flip side, I know all of the obedience components of therapy classes will help us on the agility field. All and all dog training has been great bonding, great physical and mental stimulation, and great confidence building for the both of us.