yup, it's true....my human went overboard. and not that i am complaining or anything, because when i was counter surfing i am pretty sure i caught the smell of rabbit, turkey gizzards, and pork neck. now that is where it's at.
and no, she has no idea how long this will last. but what is important is the variety! and i think the deep freezer will come in handy as well. ....now, she did say she would keep better track. we are estimating (yes, i do math) that my sister and i will go through almost 60lbs per month (including meat and some extras such as yogurt, sweet potato, etc).
so, i think it is sort of strange, but all of a sudden she started weighing my food on the food scale. she says it is because people are messaging with questions and she needs to be clear (and well, that makes me happy that people want to make a change!). i weigh 53lbs. i am lean (and handsome) and am 2.5 years and still in-tact. so, she tells me i get 11 ounces per meal right now. just shy of 1.5lbs per day. (i personally think I will need more...i mean i need to feed these muscles somehow).
raw preparation does not take a long time. i watch very carefully EVERY MEAL. sometimes i even salivate on the floor. commercial raw, do it yourself raw, or even home cooked. it takes minimal thought, mostly just common sense so items are thawed out beforehand. this allows for so much variety though. i stick my nose in the bowl and sometimes i just don't know what to grab first! i love it!
i think it is important to know that in order to make a change, you must...well, make a change. you can start slow by implementing foods you already have around the house (yogurt, cottage cheese, veggies, etc). even if you have some cooked meats (unless they are heavily seasoned of course)...or even before you cook/season them!
ok, so this is you. every. single. day.
you have allergies, yeast, weight concerns, smell funny...and at times you even have to get different medications for things (which is usually just a guess) trying to solve annoying challenges.
this is me. variety. chicken back, gizzards, some freshly juiced greens and pulp, and some sardines.
freshly juiced/pulped greens, an egg, goat cheese, chicken back, sweet potato and some supplements.
tripe, goat milk, green goop consisting of kale, blueberries, and carrots. gizzards, hearts, and supplements.
pork neck bones, cottages cheese, gizzards, goop, sardines...who knows!
fresh greens, sardines, gizzards, tripe, goat milk....oh ya!
chicken necks, rabbit hindquarters, yogurt, and some commercial raw (it was leftover)
all and all, i think it important for you folks to know that while it may SEEM overwhelming at first....you just need to start. start somewhere. start simple. and we are here to help! and we are happy to help you get started!
it is the best choice you will ever make.